How technology has changed our lives

Yes it’s true that Technology changed our world. But is really change our world in a positive way? Over a past few years it is really take the place in every society. Everyone use Technology from small children’s to younger and elders. It makes everything easy today. But you think that it is the cause of laziness. Some examples are computers, tablets, Smartphone’s video games.

Technology in our life:

Technology has changed our lives. Now-a-days people do not want to go anywhere to get what they want. For example they do not want to go to the mall for purchase something if they buy that thing online. We can see its impact on retailers. There is no longer any need which we do not buy online.  

Computers are used in every field from school to colleges and offices. Education is improving with this Technology. In every classroom there is a computer and smart board. With this facility you can do your work fast.


If you have knowledge of a computer then you can check out lots of things by go Online. You can go to the company’s website and fill online forms. This is the quick and easy way to getting reply fast. Earlier we had wired routers and now we best wireless routers to chose from that gives you freedom to take your laptop or desktop computer anywhere within internet range.

Telephones have also improved the lives of people. Telephones make communication easier. Now people can keep in touch with people all around the world with just one click on the button. You can get any information through to internet.

Today’s world everyone use Smartphone’s and Whole worlds surfing on the internet. There are lots of apps and social sites such as WhatsApp, Mobdro- Online TV, Snapchat etc. Technology has improved our lives and this Technology changing the world very fast.

Watching television unnecessary is the cause of laziness. Eventually people are surfing from obesity.  That is why United States has increased obesity from last few years. Even kids are so busy to play video games and play stations. They do not want to go outside and get exercise.

Increasing of Technology is cause of crime. People talk on social sites and sometimes we blindly faith on others. People say stupid things to each other and this is the cause of crime. Some people commit suicide. Technology is not a wrong thing but some people use it in a wrong manner.

They can hack your id and use your personal information for their own benefit. Kids have no idea about these things they are innocent. Parents should restrict them to use these sites unnecessary. Do not put your all information on social sites and any other sites. People can do misuse of this information.

Now-a-days we cannot live without internet. We are addicted to the computers and all electronic things. Now India become Digital and this is really good. But our safety is in our own hands. Use Technology in a right way. Technology can change the world in a right way.

So the bottom line is technology has become an integeral part of our day to day life. The world without such advanced technology wouldn't be better than what it is today. Though we some people misuse the technology but that's very small part of this big world.